The Simpsons: Springfield Bound

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The Simpsons: Springfield Bound

The revelation of everything that ever was (and will be).

The undoing of all loss and consequences.

Where the status quo steps down as god.

No longer a sitcom, or a "satire", but an epic.

A brand new (unofficial) spin-off series of The Simpsons. A rich heart-to-heart action/adventure series, with plot based on the story elements of:

Note: This wiki is for viewing purposes ONLY. There will be no actual edits allowed. In addition, the content on this wiki is entirely fictitious and is in no way connected to the ongoing (and down-falling) current sitcom series on Fox's Sunday Animation Domination block.



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Not sure where to start?

"The skies are always blue when you have great friends"

(In Springfield Bound at least....)

Good Friends

Interesting Notes

Springfield Bound - adj. Attached or confined to Springfield or to concerns relating to Springfield.

Even when Springfield Bound is finished (not abruptly ended), and Bart, Lisa, and Maggie are all grown up with children of their own, the current series will (probably) continue for seasons and decades to come. And when that becomes completely unbearable, you can experience Springfield Bound all over again. :)

Focus Group Guy: "So you want a realistic down-to-earth show that's completely off the wall and swarming with magic robots?" In a way, it's kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. However, Springfield Bound is nothing that outlandish.

The Reason for the Creation of The Simpsons

Fox originally approached Matt Groening about doing a cartoon version of his indy comic, "Life In Hell". But then at the last minute, he learned that Fox was planning to make him sign away all of his rights to the series (this included giving Fox executives creative control over the original comic itself). Unwilling to give up Life In Hell, but still wanting that sweet Hollywood money, Matt hastily sketched a family based heavily upon his own (including the names). The rest is history.
